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Member Bio

Bonnie Bishop 

Toledo, OH

Contact Information

Toledo, OH
3316 Percentum Rd. Apt. 107
Toledo, OH 43617

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Bonnie has been an LWV member for over 20 years and served as President or Co-President for four terms.

She has served the League as Voter Services chair, Secretary and is currently Vice Presidemt of LWV-TLC.

Bonnie was a poll worker in Lucas County for many years and recruited League members to work at the polls and donate their wages to LWV.

She testified at a Toledo city council meeting on behalf of the healthcare program Carenet and represented the League by testifying at a hearing regaerding land use at Fallen Timbers. While a Co-President the LWV of Ohio joined the NAACP and private citizens in a lawsuit against the Secretary of State and govenor for long term election problems. Bonnie provided documentation of complaints many voters had regarding their voting experiences

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